For the first 17 years of my marriage I made EVERY bite of food we put in our mouths. If it wasn’t scrambled eggs with hot dogs, I made it. It’s ok. I love to cook so I didn’t mind. However, imagine my shock when two years ago Josh decided he wanted to cook. We both determined that, for the sake of our marriage, I could not teach him. This is where Sun Basket came in. Sun Basket is a food prep service that ships the ingredients and instructions for meals. It’s great because we could get meal plans that fit our diet restrictions and Josh could learn his way around a spatula. Yay! I now have three nights a week free, but there was a bonus I was not expecting.
No more burned coats!
We have scorching summers here in Dallas, as well a few truly cold days in the winter. When the heat is unbearable, Sun Basket packs their food in shredded denim insulation. I love it because it’s completely recycled and useful for soooooo many things! Green builders even use it to insulate houses. This year I saved all the insulation and stapled it to the attic roof of my art studio. Spring is a big time of year for exhibitions and I am usually working towards a show in the coldest months of the year. In the past, I have shivered my way to spring, huddled next to a space heater or standing so close to my kiln that my coat burst into flames. (see fancy coat repair)
This winter, with my new studio insulation, I am completely comfortable. No more blown fuses from over-used space heaters, no more swollen electric bills, and no more coat fires! I am working long hours getting ready for a solo exhibition at the Firehouse Art Center in Longmont, Colorado and making Bee Cups for the spring rush. Thank you, Sun Basket, for a warm studio and thoughtful packaging.